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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
7 Ways to Keep the Fire in Your Relationship Burning
Do you long to feel that passion again? Here are seven simple ways to put the fire back in your relationship -- and keep it there:
1. Don't forget date night. It's been said a thousand times, but it's true. Couples who forget to go out on dates tend to treat each other like furniture in the house. You need to have a date together every week. Get dressed up for each other. Go out to a restaurant, a ballgame, or just take a walk together. It doesn't matter where you go as long as you do something different from your usual activities. When you're on your dates, treat each other the way you did when you first started dating.
2. Give a proper greeting. When your significant other comes home at night, meet them at the door and give them a big kiss. Don't just yell, "Hey, how ya doing?" from another room. If you are the one coming in the door, go to wherever your partner is in the house and give them a big kiss. Little gestures like this go a long way.
3. Keep on kissing. When you wake up in the morning, make sure you kiss your partner. Forget about morning breath. Who cares? We're talking about showing love from the very first minute of the day. This brings me to the second part of this: Before you go to bed at night, make sure you are connected with your significant other and kiss them goodnight. You should always feel love and nurturing before you go to sleep. Too many couples get into bed -- each person on their side of the bed -- and fall asleep without bothering to kiss each other goodnight.
4. Break the routine. A big part of keeping the fire burning in a relationship is stirring up the daily routine. One of the best ways to do this is to set a romantic mood. Light candles. If it's a night you normally watch TV, why not light candles throughout the entire house? Do anything that's out of your normal routine.
5. Send a "no special reason" message. Send your significant other little notes in the middle of the day, just telling them that you love them or that you're thinking about them. With email and texting, this is so simple yet so powerful. You can even leave a quick voicemail. That one "I love you" message will make your partner feel happier.
6. Leave a surprise note. Everyone loves a surprise, so try placing a handwritten note in their bag or briefcase. If you leave early for work, leave a card saying, "I'll be thinking of you all day long" or "I really love the way you and I are together." Write something simple but beautiful. Share something to remind your mate of great times together.
7. Be there even when you're apart. If you travel for business or other reasons, leave a sweet note for your partner before you leave. Even better, leave a series of notes for them to find and read on each day that you will be away. If your significant other is the one who travels, slip a card into their suitcase and follow up with some romantic texts while they are gone. This lets them know you are thinking about them. Keeping each other in your thoughts is one of the most important parts of keeping the fire burning.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
How to Get Inside a Guy’s Mind
1. He Says: "We should hang out sometime."
He Means: "I'm afraid you'll say 'no' if I ask you out."
Of course, actions speak louder than words. Find out if he’s hitting on you by decoding his body language.
2. He Says: "I'll call you later."
He Means: "I may or may not call you at some point between now and three months from now."
3. He Says: "My ex is crazy."
He Means: "I messed her up, and she got upset."
When you talk about your ex, here’s how to bend the truth so you don't bruise his ego.
He Means: "Was there ever a thing between you?"
5. He Says: "It's a long story."
He Means: "It's a story that makes me look bad."
6. He Says: "That's a new look."
He Means: "You look weird."
7. He Says: "Why are you being so emotional?"
He Means: "Why are you acting like a psycho?"
8. He Says: "That's not what I meant."
He Means: "That's totally what I meant, but now that I see you're mad, I wish I hadn't said it out loud."
9. He Says: "It's fine."
He Means: "It's not actually fine, but I'm in no mood to discuss it."
10. He Says: "Can we talk about this later?"
He Means: "I never want to talk about this again."
And there you have it! But keep in mind this interesting talk versus walk fact: Women prefer to bond with their partner via conversation, while the majority of men would rather engage in activities together. So next time, when you feel the urge to bond over a deep discussion, try planning a fun activity together instead.
cheers, Sarah.
Friday, March 5, 2010
About Me
- Sarah Jane
- Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
- .innocent victim.